Update to Synergy/DE 12.3 LTS Release

Synergex's latest long-term support release gives you access to current technologies and helps you improve the reliability and delivery of your Synergy solutions.

Born out of Digital Equipment Corporation’s DIBOL language, our Synergy/DE development platform and expert services enable customers to maintain and modernize their enterprise applications.

Providing Technology and Leadership for 45+ Years

With decades of experience helping customers retain their software investment and keep up with advancing technologies, we have everything you need to bring your applications into the future.

Protect Your Investment

Your tried, true, and tested applications power your operations and business opportunity. They’re behind your brand. They sell and move your products. They touch your people, your partners, and your customers daily. And they just keep on working and getting the job done (mostly).

Can you imagine leaving those systems behind? Neither can we. And you don’t have to.

Move Forward with Confidence

Synergex can help you bring your time-tested Synergy systems, applications, business logic, and data into the future. Without ripping and replacing anything, and with little risk. While you take advantage of the cloud, microservice architecture, modern UI/UX, modern developer tools and languages, and more. Efficiently, cost-effectively, and with demonstrated ROI.

Use Continuous Modernization to Build Digital Platforms from Legacy Applications
2 November 2020

“Rip and replace is in many cases too costly, risky and time-consuming, and has a high impact on the business. We advise organizations to instead take an iterative approach: continuous application modernization.”

The Company We Keep

Synergex customers keep the world running and commerce flowing. Many are world leaders in their industries, with the help of their forward-looking IT. Every day, millions of users interact with systems built on or managed by Synergex solutions: in banking, e-commerce, global logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, and many more industries.

“Synergy/DE provides the foundation that we require, the portability we need, and continues to demonstrate the future vision and direction we want to follow.”

Gayle Lewis
President, AgTrax

Synergex has been a crucial ally for Lallemand for over 35 years. In my point of view, they’re an essential definition of what a true strategic business partner really is. They understand our business challenges and they bring their expertise and agility to help us come up with solutions that minimize the impact on our business.

Marco Petrucelli
CTO & CIO, Lallemand

Help Today and in the Future

Whatever your business objectives or technology needs, our team has the expertise and experience to assist you, today and far into the future. (Think of us as part of your systems team.)

Ready to build your bridge to the future?

Contact Us Today